Becoming a Knight

Introducing “Becoming a Knight“…
…a bold and adventurous work for your next concert.
Teaching Features:
- Introduce staggered bowings.
- Introduce the fundamental string-characteristic bowing: up-up.
- Simple harmony tensions and release.
- Contrasting characters (action-driven vs. lyrical).
- Experimental spicatto stroke.
Includes Score and the following parts:
Violin I, Violin II, Viola, Cello and Double Bass
Program Notes
Becoming a Knight portrays the stages that young men had to endure to become knights. The beginning of the journey describes the young warrior getting ready to prove himself in battle. The middle section narrates the dubbing ceremony, the moment he takes an oath to protect the king and the church. The final section is a variation of the first theme, here the warrior returns to battle with a noble character–he is now a (real) knight.
Becoming a Knight is an action-driven piece that will capture your students’ and the audience’s imagination with its ponderous and cinematic sound.

Becoming a Knight belongs to the Grade 3 Bundle

What you get…
- Immediate access to the sheet music (Score and Parts in PDF) to print out.
- String Orchestra Music composed by a string teacher.
- Engaging music for students and audiences.
- Effective bowings.
- The rights to print the sheet music more than once.
- Unlimited support.
- 100% Money Back Guaranteed.
- Feel free to contact me.